Data Explorer

Using the data explorer in Grepr UI

The data explorer in Grepr UI allows you to search and visualize log data in your data warehouse. You can also backfill some logs to datadog from your data warehouse.

Accessing the data explorer

To access the data explorer, open your web browser and navigate to the URL (opens in a new tab) provided by your Grepr administrator. If you don't have a Grepr account, please contact us (opens in a new tab) to get started. Click on the Data tab in the top navigation bar. This will open a dropdown menu where you can select the pipeline you want to run the data explorer from.


If you don't have any pipelines, you will need to create one first, please follow the pipeline creation guide.

Data explorer view

Now that you have selected a pipeline, you will see the data explorer view.


In this view, you can see your logs matching the parameters you have set in the top section. The number of logs returned is capped at 2500 for performance reasons, so you may need to narrow your search if you have more logs. Use the date pickers or the search bar to filter your logs to do so. This query executes a SQL query on the data warehouse to return the logs, which may be expensive and slow. We recommend narrowing your search as much as possible, then using the client-side filtering capabilities provided in the UI to find the specific logs you are looking for.

If you click on a log, you will see the log details in a side panel. Logs that belong to the same pattern are highlighted and a blue line on the left side indicates the location of similar logs.


In the summary logs Grepr sends to Datadog you will see a URL in the log message that will redirect you to this page so you can automatically see the logs that belong to the same pattern.

Backfilling logs to Datadog

If you want to backfill logs to Datadog, you can do so by selecting the drop-down next to the "Search" button in the top right corner of the page, then clicking "Backfill"


This will trigger a job that will backfill the logs matching your global search to Datadog. This backfill is limited to 500,000 logs at a time to prevent overloading Datadog. If you need to backfill more logs, please contact us.